Richard and Mary Parker

Richard and Mary Parker

Richard and Mary Parker, by John Romita, Sr. Despite the cover text, neither one was an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Publication information
Publisher Marvel Comics
First appearance Amazing Spider-Man Annual #5 (flashback); Untold Tales of Spider-Man #-1 (full)
Created by Stan Lee
Larry Lieber
In-story information
Full name Richard Laurence Parker
Mary Teresa Parker (née Fitzpatrick)
Supporting character of Spider-Man

Richard and Mary Parker are fictional characters of Marvel Comics. They were the parents of Peter Parker, the boy who one day would become Spider-Man. They will appear in the 2012 reboot of the Spider-Man film franchise. Richard Parker was also briefly mentioned by Uncle Ben in the 2002 Spider-Man film.


Publication history

Prior to Amazing Spider-Man Annual #5 (published in 1968), there had been no explanation of why Peter Parker was an orphan and was raised by his aunt and uncle. That issue finally answered the question. Richard and Mary Parker only appeared in brief flashbacks in the story.

For many more years, the characters appeared only in flashbacks and photographs. However, in Amazing Spider-Man #365 (August 1992), Spider-Man's 30th anniversary, they reappeared. Two years later, in #388 (April 1994) they were revealed to be robots created by the Chameleon and were destroyed.

In July 1997, Untold Tales of Spider-Man #-1, part of Marvel Comics' "Flashback Month" event, written by Roger Stern and drawn by John Romita, Sr., expanded the characters' origins. Since then, they have rarely been mentioned except in passing.

Fictional character biographies

Captain Richard Parker, a decorated soldier of the United States Army Special Forces, was recruited by Nick Fury to the C.I.A.. His much older brother, Ben Parker, was married to May Reilly Parker.

Mary Fitzpatrick was the daughter of O.S.S. agent "Wild Will" Fitzpatrick. She attended the best schools and eventually followed in her father's footsteps, becoming a C.I.A. translator and data analyst.

Richard and Mary met on the job, fell in love, and married. Originally they eloped, then later had a more elaborate service, fooling many. Mary became a field agent like Richard, giving them both an easy cover as a married couple. They were assigned to investigate Baroness Adelicia Von Krupp, who had captured an agent of a "friendly power" (who turned out to be Logan, aka Wolverine, then a Canadian operative called Agent Ten). They rescued Logan from the Baroness and Baron Wolfgang von Strucker. After that mission, they discovered that Mary was pregnant; Logan was actually the first person to congratulate the Parkers, commenting later that he never saw an agent as tough as Richard Parker go that white that fast.

Their son Peter Benjamin Parker was born some months later. However, Richard and Mary were frequently away from him on missions. While they were away, he was left in the care of Richard's older brother Ben and his wife May.

While on a mission to investigate Albert Malik, the third Red Skull, they posed as traitors and double agents to infiltrate his criminal organization in Algeria. Unfortunately they were discovered. Malik framed them and brought in an assassin called the Finisher to kill the two. Finisher sabotaged their airplane and caused it to crash. They were subsequently declared missing in action/presumed dead[1], as two burnt bodies were found in the remains.

After death

Richard and Mary's son Peter grew up to become the superhero Spider-Man. Although he has only vague memories of his parents and no memory of their militaristic history, his aunt and uncle share photographs and happy memories with him, but not their belief that they had been traitors to their country. When Peter discovers this, he travels to Algeria. He finds Malik, who sends the Finisher to kill Spider-Man. Spider-Man turns the Finisher's missile against him, and the Finisher dies, but not before revealing that Richard and Mary were in fact innocent. Spider-Man returns to America with evidence and clears his parents' names.[2]

Life Model Decoys

Years later, the Chameleon, working for Harry Osborn, created Life Model Decoys of Richard and Mary. These LMDs were near-perfect robotic replicas of Peter's dead parents, and managed to convince him that they had in fact been held captive overseas for most of his life.[3] Aunt May retains some suspicions, as there are some things they did not know, such as Richard and Mary's elopement. When Peter discovers that they were fake,[4] he suffers a nervous breakdown. When the Decoys were ordered to attack Parker, Mary's feelings for Peter causes her to save him. Neither LMD survives the incident. After battling the Chameleon, Spider-Man discovers that Harry Osborn was behind the whole thing, as an effort to avenge his (supposedly) dead father, Norman Osborn.[5] Spider-Man then becomes mentally unhinged over time, until he has a near-death experience.

May Parker eventually learns the truth about the Life Model Decoys, via learning the truth about Spider-Man. May draws strength by talking to the graves of Mary, Richard and Ben about Peter's life.

The cynical mindset of Harry Osborn and the Chameleon was present in the LMDs, particularly during Maximum Carnage[6]: When Aunt May advises Peter to "listen to your heart," (the pseudo) "Richard" tells a very different lesson[7]:

Strip away the veneer of society and civilization and you'll find a devil inside all men. ... That prison was overrun with devils, Peter. Sadistic evil men who'd do anything—no matter how twisted, how immoral—to break a man down. Destroy his soul ... Oh, sure there are good men in the world. Your uncle Ben was one of them. And look where it got him. Dead. Shot down like a dog. And knowing my brother, he was probably looking up at the scum who did it—trying to understand why. But when it comes to the devils, Peter—there is no why. No rhyme or reason. ... Use whatever means possible to stop the madness—before it swallows you up. ...
—Richard Parker

Later, when Shriek uses her psychic powers to turn the whole town against Spider-Man and the other super-heroes, "Richard" remarks that the "moral," "orderly" world he remembered while in prison "was just an illusion! The evil was here—all along—festering beneath the surface!"—inviting a sharp rebuke from Peter's wife, Mary Jane.[8] (After his "parents" are exposed as frauds, some of this cynicism rubs off for a while on the "son"—with Spider-Man becoming unusually brutal against his enemies and developing a "Spider" alternate personality.)

Ambiguities in Marvel documentation

The nature and timing of Richard and Mary Parker's fate are somewhat ambiguous in Spider-Man documentation. For one thing, the very fact that Harry Osborn and the Chameleon were able to fool the State Department, Peter, and (for a time) Aunt May into thinking Richard and Mary had "returned" after 20 years implies that the government was never able to solidly confirm the bodies found in the original plane crash to be theirs.[9] This uncertainty was exploited by Harry Osborn and the Chameleon: When explaining how he and Mary "survived", the false Richard Parker asserts that the bodies found were of Russian spies who stayed on the plane while they themselves were forced to jump out.[3] According to Spider-Man: Unmasked, "young Peter was orphaned at an early age when his parents were declared missing in action"—once again implying that they were not "officially" considered dead by the authorities—although they were presumed so, at least until the Life Model Decoys appeared on the scene.

It is also ambiguous how old Peter was when his parents were lost: Some accounts have it happening in his infancy[10]; others say he was as old as six years[11]—particularly, The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Spider-Man, 2004. The latter view is supported by Spider-Man's musing, during The Child Within[12], that he remembers his parents, yet "they were practically strangers to me," as he prepares to fight Harry Osborn/The Green Goblin and Vermin[13]:—during the fight, Harry drugs Peter and subsequently discovers that Peter blames himself for his parents' death[14]; Harry conceives the LMD scam to "avenge" his own father shortly after.[5] Another, more comprehensive book on the Marvel Universe (also released in 2004) asserts that Peter's only clear memory of his (real) parents was of the moment they were boarding the fateful plane and he promised them he'd be a "good boy" for Aunt May and Uncle Ben. Most Spider-Man stories in the main continuity are vague about Peter's exact age when he was effectively orphaned.

Other versions


In Marvel 1602, Peter Parker's parents are briefly mentioned as having worked with Sir Nicholas Fury, Queen Elizabeth's chief of security.

Bullet Points

In the alternate timeline of Bullet Points, Ben is killed a few months into his relationship with May Parker. Richard and Mary promise to "always be there for her," a vow which was later broken.[15]

House of M

In the alternate reality created by the Scarlet Witch during the House of M storyline, Peter and Gwen Stacy name their son Richard. Generally, Peter's sons in alternate realities are named after his Uncle Ben, but in House of M, Ben had lived, and so Peter did not pay tribute to him.

Marvel Mangaverse

Although Richard has not appeared in the Marvel Mangaverse continuity nor has he been mentioned, Mary had made her appearance instead. In this version, Mary is Aunt May's sister instead of Uncle Ben being Richard's brother, and is both the leader of the Spider Clan and is a Spider demon, who is known as the Spider Queen. She's been plotting to make her son, Peter Parker, the new leader of the Clan and sends the Elementals to kill her sister, May Parker, so that it would lead Peter to her. When the two are confronted, Mary revealed she wanted Peter to become the new leader of the Spider Clan, but Peter figured out and was shocked and disgusted that she would send the Elementals to kill her own sister which causes him to reject the offer and begin to attack her. However Mary teleported him back to New York were she had sent the Elementals to fight him. Disappointed by his rejection, Mary instead passes leadership of the Spider Clan to her pupil, Venom. Because of this, Peter has decided to quit his identity as Spider-Man.


In the alternate reality of MC2, Peter names his son Benjamin Richard Parker, with his second name being in honor of his father.


The 2003 Epic Comics limited series Trouble was marketed as the "true origin" of Spider-Man. In that story, characters named Richard and Mary met while on summer vacation, and Mary's friend May rather than Mary herself was Peter's mother. None of the characters' last names were revealed. The story was later ignored due to negative fan reception.

Ultimate Richard Parker

In the Ultimate Marvel continuity, Richard "Ray" Parker was a biologist instead of a spy. He and Mary supposedly died in an airplane accident when Peter was six, and Peter still has vague memories of his parents. Before the crash, Richard was working on a cure for cancer, in the form of a biological suit that could repair its host body. He recorded a series of tapes addressed to Peter, in which he revealed that he was worried that the suit would be used as a weapon instead of a cure. A tape recorded just before the crash revealed that his project had been taken away from him. His project became the basis of Venom. His name and work were known by scientists (including Wasp and Giant Man of the Ultimates) involved in re-creating the super-soldier formula that created Captain America.

In Ultimate Spider-Man #100, an aged clone of Peter Parker with false memories appeared. The clone recounted that Bolivar Trask, the man responsible for shutting down the cancer cure project, brought the research staff back together. Richard had second thoughts about working on the project, now knowing the suit he developed would be used as a weapon, and chose not to get on the plane. Mary, however, felt that Richard was a fool for turning down this opportunity, and appeared willing to leave her husband for this reason. (This contradicts her earlier sentiments, that Richard was getting in way over his head). After the crash, Richard was approached by government agent Henry Gyrich, for the purposes of launching his own research project in case Nick Fury was ever to go rogue. Gyrich showed Richard a surveillance video proving his son, Peter, was the amazing Spider-Man. Afterwards, he revealed himself to May Parker. May, shocked by the possibility that Richard was alive all this time, told him to go away. Richard then preceded to go to Peter's high school, but Gyrich prevented him from doing so. After Peter found a revived Gwen Stacy, however, Richard finally went to May's house to try to explain everything. However, after telling of what happened to him, Nick Fury's men and Spider-Slayers surrounded the house. Gwen becomes nervous and immediately transforms into what appears to be the ultimate version of Carnage.

Later, in issue 103, Doctor Otto Octavius (who created multiple clones of Spider-Man) reveals that "Richard Parker" was a clone. This is confirmed when Susan Storm of the Fantastic Four runs a test on a sample of Richard's DNA and finds it identical to Peter Parker's. Apparently, the cloning process severely aged Richard. Though his memories were false, Richard still deeply loves Peter like a son. Before he dies, Richard asks Sue Storm and the rest of the Four to look after Peter.

In the final FMV of the Ultimate Spider-Man video game, it is implied that Eddie Brock Sr. and the Venom suit are responsible for the plane crash that killed Peter's parents.

However, in issue #4 of Ultimate Origins, which takes place 15 years before the current Ultimate timeline, Richard is shown to have been hired by the U.S. government and Ultimate Nick Fury as part of a project to recreate the Super Soldier Serum. At a covert lab in Dover, New Jersey, Richard worked alongside fellow scientists, Hank Pym, Franklin Storm, father of Sue and Johnny Storm, and Bruce Banner.[16]

One day, while Pym and Banner are inside the lab testing a possible match to the serum that was discovered by Banner, Richard is just outside the lab being visited by his wife and recently born son, Peter. Unfortunately, Banner, having just tested his serum on himself, transforms into the Hulk for the first time and goes on a rampage, destroying the complex. Richard and Mary and both caught in an explosion of debris, and are killed.

The sight of the infant Peter lying next to his mother's body is enough to shock Banner back to his human form, in time for Fury and his men to arrive and subdue him. As his men haul Banner into custody, Fury picks the infant off the ground and carries him away from the site, stating that Peter is at least lucky enough to be too young to remember any of what has happened later on.[17]

Artist Mark Bagley based the likeness of the Ultimate version of Richard Parker on that of Peter Parker as drawn by John Romita, Sr. and Gil Kane in the late 1960s and early 1970s. He felt he had not adequately captured Peter's appearance during his earlier run on The Amazing Spider-Man in the 1990s.[18]

Other media


Video games




  1. ^ Spider-Man: Unmasked
  2. ^ Amazing Spider-Man Annual #5
  3. ^ a b Amazing Spider-Man #366
  4. ^ Amazing Spider-Man #388
  5. ^ a b Amazing Spider-Man #389
  6. ^ Spider-Man Unlimited #1-2; Web of Spider-Man #101-103; Amazing Spider-Man #378-380; Spider-Man #35-37; Spectacular Spider-Man #201-203
  7. ^ The Spectacular Spider-Man #201
  8. ^ Spider-Man #37
  9. ^ Amazing Spider-Man #366. The entire Richard-and-Mary-Parker LMD storyline lasts from Amazing Spider-Man #363 (last page) to Amazing Spider-Man #389.
  10. ^ Amazing Spider-Man #364
  11. ^ The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Spider-Man, 2004
  12. ^ The Spectacular Spider-Man #178-183
  13. ^ The Spectacular Spider-Man #180
  14. ^ The Spectacular Spider-Man #181
  15. ^ Bullet Points #1 (2006)
  16. ^ Ultimate Origins #3 (2008)
  17. ^ Ultimate Origins #4 (2008)
  18. ^ Interview with Mark Bagley and Brian Michael Bendis in Wizard: The Guide to Comics #180 (2006).
  19. ^,